
a thesis exhibition with an AR twist

Cache final video

Cache was the culminating architecture studio show of my B. Arch thesis studio, Studio Jackson 2012. The studio focused on the transformative aspects of media and architecture, and we created a final show with an augmented reality theme. Each project has physical models and digital projections, as well as an augmented reality component to each project.

While the design was collective among the studio, I focused on the technical production of the hanging train of 20 projectors, temporary structural rigging. I made standardized digital asset templates for the class, and ran last minute electrical debugging. Tam and I directed and produced the video as well.

In addition to the projected content, we also worked with LayAR to create an augmented reality phone app of 3D models of students’ project.

Corey reading about a project
Corey reading about a project
The full train of projects
The full train of projects
Acrylic analog screen dangles
Acrylic analog screen dangles
Visitors interact with a project
Visitors interact with a project
Large 3D text inhabited the exhibition space in AR
Large 3D text inhabited the exhibition space in AR
Opening Night
Opening Night
Visitors catch augmented content
Visitors catch augmented content

Cache was the culminating architecture studio show of my B. Arch thesis studio, Studio Jackson 2012. The studio focused on the transformative aspects of media and architecture, and we created a final show with an augmented reality theme. Each project has physical models and digital projections, as well as an augmented reality component to each project.

While the design was collective among the studio, I focused on the technical production of the hanging train of 20 projectors, temporary structural rigging. I made standardized digital asset templates for the class, and ran last minute electrical debugging. Tam and I directed and produced the video as well.

In addition to the projected content, we also worked with LayAR to create an augmented reality phone app of 3D models of students’ project.

Corey reading about a project
Corey reading about a project
The full train of projects
The full train of projects
Acrylic analog screen dangles
Acrylic analog screen dangles
Visitors interact with a project
Visitors interact with a project
Large 3D text inhabited the exhibition space in AR
Large 3D text inhabited the exhibition space in AR
Opening Night
Opening Night
Visitors catch augmented content
Visitors catch augmented content