Dr. Scanlove

(Or How I Learned to Build a Scanning, Video Bomb)

Tongue scan
Tongue scan

Architecture today competes for attention in the Society of the Spectacle. The traditional tools, methods, and materials of architecture fail to impress or enchant users. Perpetually tethered to digital devices, users are taken out of their spatial realities for digitally enhanced versions, beyond the realm of traditional architecture. Architects are ignoring the failure of architecture to connect with digital spaces  and the products and culture surrounding them.

Dr. Scanlove forces the spatial confrontation between digital and physical spaces. The physical artifact connects the architectural space of the gallery to the digital spaces of the scanned images, the database they live on, and the social web they are viewed and shared on. During the installation, at the Vellum furniture competition, the images could be viewed via live digital video projection, but also archived on the web at www.rckmnt.com/scanlove.

Dr. Scanlove exists in both physical and digital space, using techniques and tools appropriate to each. The project becomes not only a viewing device for digital culture, but a mirror, reflecting the experiential challenges designers must face in our plug-and-play culture.

 (Scanlove was smaller project as part of my larger architecture school thesis)

Scanlove Elevation
Scanlove Elevation
Face scanning
Face scanning
Front perspective
Front perspective
Front elevation
Front elevation
Enlisting others for help
Enlisting others for help