
printing delicate ceramics in 3d

Filigree project video

Filigree Robotics is a research project with the Center for Information Technology in Architecture, at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Building off of prior experience with ceramic studio Superformlab and 3d printing ceramics on flat surfaces, we brought a 3d aspect to the printing with laser scanning and robotics. Using a LIDAR scanner, a 3D surface is digitized, designed with, and printed on. A robotic arm and custom ceramics extruder are combined to print on the complex surface. The outcome was shown at a public exhibition in February 2016.

A final Filigree exhibition piece
A final Filigree exhibition piece
Another final Filigree exhibition piece
Another final Filigree exhibition piece
Gold tipped Filigree glazed ceramic
Gold tipped Filigree glazed ceramic

Scan to Print Process

Pre-print scan setup
Pre-print scan setup
Robotic toolpathing
Robotic toolpathing
A surface scan
A surface scan
Kinect vs. Faro comparison
Kinect vs. Faro comparison

Designs - Generative toolpaths from the base surface

Generative toolpath designs
Generative toolpath designs
Generative toolpath designs
Generative toolpath designs
Generative toolpath designs
Generative toolpath designs
Generative toolpath designs
Generative toolpath designs

Fabrication Process

Printed on a 3d form base
Printed on a 3d form base
Wet clay in the extruder pressure tube
Wet clay in the extruder pressure tube
Robot prepped to lay down clay
Robot prepped to lay down clay
Early test print
Early test print
A finer piece yet to be fired
A finer piece yet to be fired
3d scan prep
3d scan prep
Loading up on wet clay
Loading up on wet clay
a very early prototype
a very early prototype